Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Big Red Splotches

Still not done with the background around the tail, but at least I hav a bunch of light red splotches under it now.  Faster stitching later, right?

More Sky

I feel like I'm still stuck in sky mode... it's got to end soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Aging the Wine

First in steel vats, then in American oak barrels made in France, the wine ages.

One Flower Done

I finished the top left flower and even started filling in the background a bit.

Spot the Changes

Can you see where I stitched this week?

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Flowers on these two bands are a big change from the bottom two.

Three and a Half

I'm behind as usual, but at least I've almost got four of 24 done!