Friday, January 13, 2012

Texas, My Texas

Texas is all stitched up!  I like the way it looks and will be checking to frame it here soon.  The design was a kit from The French Knot in Fort Worth.  I found the instructions to be very sparse, referencing book pages without saying the book they were referencing.  The threads were poorly labeled, too.  I ended up substituting my own threads in several places and doing my own stitch choices.  Also, there was not enough ribbon floss to complete the background on the Texas.  It's done, though, and I love it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mall Concert

We had dinner at the mall the Friday before Christmas, and a concert broke out!  They had the Moldovan Youth Orchestra and a choir doing parts of Handel.  Then, later, some guys dressed as Santas were playing carols on their horns around the food court.

Temari in Progress

I don't often have a temari in progress during regular photo time, but I did last week.  This will give you a little bit of an idea of stitching order on one.

A Simple Gift

This simple ball was made for my maid as a Christmas gift.  We gave her some other things, too, but this one is the only crafty bit not previously photographed.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It Got There!

 It took nearly a month, but this temari finally made it from Moldova to Cyprus.  It was delayed in the holiday mail, evidently.  This was made for the New Year GITS on TalkTemari, and Linda (the recipient) says she likes it, which is the important thing.  It's an S-12 with two interlocking three point renzoku designs.

Went Shopping

I went shopping the week between Christmas and New Year's and came home with this stuff!  Some of it will get into the Crazy January Challenge.

Next to Last Roses

This is my next to last rose block to work on.  It's Ruby's, and you can see there's not much space left.  I knew I had to leave some for Rita to do, so I worked mainly on seams and small stuff.  I did one BIG lace seam and a few more small things.  I hope Rita thinks she has enough space!