Sunday, January 22, 2012

Crazy #9 - Let's Get Fancy Biscornu

This is my crazy start number nine.  Since it's also for an exchange, you'll see it for at least a couple of weeks more.

Nearly Twelve

It looks so nicely squared up in this picture.  Halfway done, too!

TAST Week #2 - Buttonhole Millipede

It looks like a millipede to me, at least.  The center is a row of chain stitches, with outward facing buttonhole stitches lining it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

All Covered Up

I finished my cover.  Still don't have anything to put in it, but it's done!  The Stitch'n''Zip kit had plenty of floss, but I still wish they'd do something  about the extra canvas on the back side.

Temari's Done

This is the temari-in-progress I showed you last week.  It's done now!

Crazy Start #8 - Sweet Flowers

This is a huge stitchalong sampler from a designer in Argentina.  She's starting the stitchalong from the bottom up, something Sticklounge does often, too.  It's just about my least favorite place to begin.  I decided to change up the colors, using hand dyed linen and Florimell silks.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Crazy # 7 Patriotic Angel

Bits of blue on black don't look very interesting at the moment, but they're going to have bits of the Declaration of Independence backstitched across them later.  For now, it's a crazy start and will get into my rotation eventually.