Friday, February 08, 2013

Seen In Munich

We saw this fabric in Munich at one of the department stores.  It was 20 euros a meter.  I saw that it was by an American manufacturer, so I looked online.  We found it, and for less than $10 a yard.  Yay!  Ordered some while still in Munich, and it came in a month later.  Very pretty fabric that I will be using soon.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Crazy January Challenge Day 16

Second time stitching on this, and still working on the top row. 

All Bordered Up!

I finished all the borders.  Time for the fun stuff to begin!

Thank You Courtney!

I repaired a mitten for Little Miss Courtney, and as a thank you, she gave me this beautiful little primrose plant.  Thank you Courtney!

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

So Hard

I know I'm making progress because I keep putting stitches in, yet it's so hard to see it when I've not looked in a few days.

Back To The Beach

The top half of the B is almost done.  The bird is done but for backstitching, and things are progressing fairly quickly.

Crazy January Challenge Day 15

It's a really bad picture, but it was a good (and short!) project.  Watercolour Egg from Sekas and Co. was an easy bargello design.  The perforated paper is a very shiny silver, and the thread is Watercolours Williamsburg.  I managed to make two whole eggs from the kit, so I'm going to put them back to back to make one ornament.  Yay for my first challenge finish of the year.  May there be many more!