Friday, April 05, 2013

Bits Of This, Pieces Of That

I did little bits of different things this session.  Bits of sidewalk, tree, and house got done.

Another Round Done

The center of this piece is coming along nicely.  I've got one more round of the variegated threads to go before starting on the rest of the design.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Journey Of The Lost Temari

 This lovely temari was in the mail for over eighteen months.  Much of that time was spent in a warehouse at the Moscow airport.  Can we say absolute mess up on the part of Turkish Air?  You can see the label that was added to the box it came in - the State Department added it when it put the package in diplomatic pouch.  

The temari itself is from Linda W in Cyprus and is absolutely gorgeous.  It came through completely unharmed.  Thank you, Linda!  I'm sorry it got so lost in the mail!

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Linked Chain

I've been making steady progress on this.  It's up through linked chain stitch, which I didn't like making and don't like the look of.  The palestrina stitch above it looks much better.  Just getting things done!

Been Branching

I've been working on the branches and background on the left.  Almost halfway done with the first pages.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Final Borders

This is the full size of Marsh Meadow.  I only need  to finish the last border bling.

Little Flowers

This week, it was all about the little flowers inside the fence.  Got them all done!