Thursday, September 05, 2013

Another Shutter

Yay, another shutter done, some tree.... progress!

Diamonds On A Cloudy Day

 Friday was the only day the aerobatic team flew.  It was the best day of the weekend, weather-wise.  They were pretty fond of diamonds.  I'm not sure if it was because of the weather or that's what they usually do.


I finished my charity square.  Now to mail it off.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Starting A Wing

I've started part of a wing on the peacock and added a leaf on the left.  Things are looking like progress, right?

Three Sides Done

I am sooo happy that I've finally gotten the third side of parts five and six done.  Now to just finish part six on the upper right, then do the backstitching and start part seven.  I feel I've been mired in this (admittedly large) part for a long time.

More Aerobatic Team

 Normally I am not a big fan of smoke trails in air shows.  On a cloudy day like we had, they certainly helped trace the planes, though.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Second Building Done

Yay, the second building on the left is done and I got farther on backstitching the stable roof on the bottom.