Sunday, May 18, 2014

Closing In On The Sheep

I am so very close to being done with this band!  It's the largest of the lot, and when I'm done with it, I'll be over halfway done with the overall sampler.

Monitoring The Herpetarium

 Looking at how the reptile half lives...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Going Back Across

Now that I've got the big medallion done, it's time to work my way back across this top set of motifs.

Non-Flying Birds

 Cute little coati getting into trouble, then some birds not flying, then a giant tortoise.

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Window Glassed

The top right window is all glassed in now.  That's the last of the full windows on this house.  There's another, smaller house taking shape to the right though.

Not So Sleepy

The leopard didn't get the notice about naptime.  He just looks frustrated.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Still a lot of border to go, but the top's almost done.  I like that I have the first flower pretty much outlined.  Gives the piece more character.