Monday, June 02, 2014

Strolling Around

 Just the last few ren fair photos.  If you're looking to go to one, ren fair season is now!  I believe the Texas Renaissance Festival, where these photos were taken, is in its last weekend or two.  Go out and enjoy!

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Shepherd's Done

The biggest band of  this sampler is done!  It's getting pretty close to being finished, and hopefully the other bands will go faster.  Suddenly I'm feeling positive and productive today.

So Pleased

I am so pleased with how quickly this tower is coming together.  I'm going to have it done in just a few more sessions, unlike the year it took to do parts five and six.

It's A Parade

 We stumbled onto a parade around the fair grounds.  Everyone was all costumed up!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Peeking Back

The peacock's back look in this piece reminds me of how much I've been doing and how much I've been neglecting the stitching.  At least thing are supposed to calm down now, and I should be able to get more done.  In this, he's got a few more feathers and the tree has a bit more background.

All The Crosses

All the cross stitches are done!  I've only got the beading, specialty stitches, and back stitches to go.  I'm so happy to get it done!

Cosplaying Around

 Looks like a lot of people having fun in costume!