Monday, August 18, 2014


So, yes, I have gotten more experimental lately in my style choices.  I found these earcuffs on Etsy and they're beautiful!  They even fit so comfortably in your ear you forget you're wearing them!

On To Entertainment

On Sunday we got much better seats to see the stage (and get some shade).  These photos are from our table, and I think that man has a huge horn...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Goyling Along

My gargoyle piece is still looking good as I make it well past the halfway point of the width.

Saxon Box

 Brasov, it turns out, was a Saxon redoubt throughout the middle ages and early modern era.  Because of  that, there's a lot of Saxon stuff there.  When we went in July, I bought this beautiful box from a local artist.

More Museum

 More that was in the little museum at the ren faire.  I tried to get some closer photos of some of the needlework on the banners.  Most of the tools are nineteenth and twentieth century.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


I'm not just working on the border anymore.  The lettering is started!


Evidently I'm a valued employee of a section I don't technically work for.  I edit and such for the public diplomacy section fairly often, even though I'm employed by consular.  They gave me an award!  Thanks!