Friday, September 26, 2014

Like A Castle...

Everything is bigger in a castle, except the rooms.  The ceilings are high; the furniture is oversized; the dark is gloomier; the paintings are murals.  It's a fine place to feel uncomfortable in.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Not As Dingy

I've gotten a few more grapes done.  My big thing now is to work on consistency of my stitches.


Some storks in Romania nest on power poles next to the street.  They seem comfortable enough perched and watching the people go by.

Windows To The Library

All of this looks like the ponderous, uncomfortable, and expensive stuff you'd find in a castle....

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

One Egg Done

For an egg, this design came out very diamond-like.  I think I prefer it diamond-like and flat to being twisted around an egg, so I will make it into a diamond shaped ornament.  Starting the second one of seven now.

One Tower Done

I am about halfway done with this part of the mandala.  The first tower is complete and the second one is started.

Chthulu At Night

Brasov's crest symbol is all over town.  I say it looks like Chthulu. It's supposed  to be the roots of an oak tree crowned with a crown.  I don't know why it was chosen, but it still looks like Chthulu on the side of this trash bin.