Monday, October 06, 2014

Almost Three

Almost all of the third corner is done.  I've not been stitching as much as I need to, so it's not complete.

Still On The Hill

Lots of hill to make.  It's getting there, though.

Time And Space

This was one of the living rooms of a professor.  He was, evidently, a science professor interested in geography.  The globe is one of the oldest in the world.

Shower Earrings

I received this pair of earrings as part of a bridal shower game.  Turns out I was the tallest in the room.  They'e very cute earrings.  Thank you Theresa!

Sunday, October 05, 2014

More Border

The border is filling in nicely now.

Beautiful Blue Bowls

 I love these small bowls, especially the beautiful blues.  I'm using them now to hold jewelry and barrettes.  They were purchased at one of the embassy artisan fairs.

Scientific Treasure

 Colleguim Maius once taught a young Copernicus, and they're proud of it.  They have a whole room of items of monetary value or scientific value (or both).  It's called the treasure room and some of the stuff is fascinating.