Thursday, November 06, 2014

Starting A Flower

The butterflies are coming along well and I've started a flower, too.  The lowest small butterfly is over halfway down the chart, so I've got a good start.

Making Tracks

Supposedly a lot of these tanks are rare a hard to find, but I'm not enough of a tank person to tell you which is which.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014


I have my first grape cluster done!  This photo looks really dingy, but I promise the actual piece isn't.

Wondering About Winter

i was working on Winter Wonderland in Krakow and got a bit done.  I haven't done any beading because I didn't want to confuse beads with Medieval Town Mandala.


 John and Megan were back in town for the other John's knighthood ceremony in September.  I got one more photo of his food likes!  This is from 513, a restaurant we'd never been to.  It's okay, and the decor is interesting.  Andreas had his mamaliga and tocana, and I had chicken salad and mushrooms.  The snack of the night was crispy french fries.

Down The Convoy

 A lot of military vehicles in this part of the convoy, including tanks and such.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Bordering Peach

Even though I don't like the color orange, I like the texture of  the current orange border on this.