Friday, November 21, 2014

A Long Haul Done

After nearly ten years I have finally finished my Medieval Town Mandala.  It is currently framed and waiting for me to pick it up.  I feel like I have accomplished something major in getting it done.  It's been stitched on on three continents and made several trips across the Atlantic.  Now that it's done, I find I still like it very much.

Joyful Beginning

This is the beginning of Make a Joyful Stitch, a group correspondence course from EGA.  I have done the tracing and started the outline of the flower so far.  It's a start.

Outside Le Memorial

Outside Le Memorial there is a large park and green space.  Part of it is called a peace park and honors Nobel peace prize winners.  Part of it is a memorial to the dead of the second world war.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Magazines In Polish

While in Krakow I found some craft magazines.  I picked up the Beading because I've been wanting to dabble in soutache jewelry, and I bought two copies of the Christmas needlework magazine.  One will be the prize in the President's Challenge that I''m running through CyberStitchers.

Banding Along

I now have some more bands done, along with the text!  There's not all that much more to go.

Cold War Relics

Le Memorial has a large Cold War collection, with even some old launch room stuff on display.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Brought Back Liquor

We bought a little bit of liquor to bring back from Poland.  Most of them are not available at all outside Poland.  I also rediscovered mead while we were there.  By the way, Carrefour was having a sale on the Zubrovka.