Thursday, January 01, 2015

Roofing It

Well, the roof of the last bit is coming along.  It's a bit hard to see progress because of the close color match.  I've also started doing the jessica circle flowers on the bottom corner again.  My goal is to get this done in time for MolDeco to frame it before we move to Angola.

Lake And Carvings

 This is part of a pretty large salt lake down the mine.  They have it lit so it's beautiful.  Also near it are these carvings of plaques.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Making A Fine Vine

I have put this onto the rotation and it seems to be going pretty quickly.  There's a lot of vine done and not much in the middle to do.

Quick Lunch In Iasi

The Monday before Thanksgiving we made a quick shopping trip to Iasi.  There are some things you just can't buy here in Moldova.  We made the trip and had lunch at one of the Chinese places in the food court of Palas Mall.  Got pretty much everything we needed and got back just after nightfall, too!

See The Peahen?

The peahen's head is beginning to peek out from the peacock's body.  This means progress!

Giant Chapel

 This chapel is completely carved out of the salt mine, including all the chandeliers and statues and bas reliefs.  It's also huge - about as big as a football field, with a ceiling about 40 feet high.  The place is gorgeous.  They rent it out for weddings and hold mass in it regularly.  Even the floor, which looks like tile, is carved and polished salt.









Tuesday, December 30, 2014

So Much Red

For a snowflake-themed piece, this is sooo red.  It's at least getting more done.  At some point the red will stop and I can put a snowflake on top of it.