Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Trying To Jam

I've been trying to find time to use these new nail wraps, but I've had problems scheduling a manicure first.  It's been that kind of month.  Looks like next week isn't going to work, either.  

Crazy January Start #5: Aer

For some reason, I'm supposed to start at the bottom with this.  That's why I've got part of a diamond for hardanger done.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So Close

I am almost completely done with this side of my mandala.  I looked at the overall design, though, and there's so very much more to go.

Crazy January Start #4: Egg Elegance No. 1

I started in on this and realized I needed to order beads and floss.  They're on their way from the States.


I found eggs in Hungary to add to my collection.  The one in plastic is a real goose egg.

Bye Bye Communism

Evidently no Polish home of the 1960's was complete without a still.  They usually took up the bathtub.  The last three photos are of the living room.  It looks a lot like a communist version of a 1950's one.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Crazy January Start #3: Woven Ribbons

The bargello in this is coming along quickly, even though I put it on linen instead of congress cloth.