Friday, February 06, 2015

Our Picks At Pegas

Pegas is one of those go-to consistent restaurants where service is good and the food is excellent.  Even though it's one of the more expensive restaurants in Moldova, that doesn't mean it''s expensive by American standards.  It's not unusual to walk out only $40 lighter for a meal for two including a bottle of wine.  
I love Pegas' zeama, but their mushroom soup is excellent, and I've heard good things about their spinach soup, too.  Andreas swears by their rabbit alfredo, and I like their steaks.  The quality of beef in this country has improved significantly in the four years we've been here.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Found For Mom

I found this piece for my mother at one of  the embassy's artisan faires.  Have yet to mail it to her.

Still On The Boring

Well, I got at least one of these petals done.  The other is started, but is going to take a while because it's both boring and dense.

Out To C House With Jeanette

We went out during Christmas week and had dinner with Jeanette at C House.  As usual, it was all beautiful and tasted good.  The second photo is Andreas' hot chocolate.  Yes, it's supposedly a drink.  Everyone enjoyed the food, the atmosphere, and the conversation.

Crazy January Start #23: American Star Biscornu

Yet another Sweetheart Tree kit from my stash.  This one is pretty small, so I hope when I actually get working on it, it goes quickly.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Crazy January Start #22: Serenity Harbor Stitchalong

I saw the finished version of this, thought it beautiful, signed up, and -then- saw the size.  It's nearly 200x600 stitches.  Here are my first few.  The design is coming out in twelve installments and I'm already behind - they just released part two.  Oh well, it'll get done.

Money Box

Andreas cleaned out the bottom of my closet last week and put everything in bins.  While doing that, he also cleaned out some of my purses and found loose change in at least four currencies.  I bought him this box to put it all in.