Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Name Of The Wind Print

Andreas likes Peter Rothfuss' Kingkiller series better than I do.  He bought this print because he loves the books.  MolDeco framed it for him.  It looks even better in person.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Sanding Out

I'm working on the big area around the central square now.  It's going pretty quickly.

Calling It Quits

I was bemoaning the awfulness of this pattern -- more partial stitches than whole ones, every single color a blended one.  Andreas asked why I was still working on it then.  I answered that it was for him and that I thought it wasn't turning out very well, either.  He agreed with the latter and said he'd been meaning to say that for a while but felt bad about it.  So it's going in the bin. All done with this Dracolair Design.  Won't be buying any more like this, either.

Lightweight Earrings

These huge wooden mandala earrings are featherweight on the ear.  They look good too!  We got them at the opening of the Soroca fortress from a Ukrainian vendor.

Monday, June 08, 2015

A Little Color

I got to do some non-brown stitching this time.  There's a nice orange flash on the peacock now.

May's Done

I finished May a couple of days before the end of May.  It felt good to be able to take a few days off from this project.  I do like how it's coming together.

New Tool

I collect hairsticks that I use as laying tools.  This latest hand carved piece was bought in Odessa when we were there for the weekend a couple of weeks ago.  It's got a lovely satiny finish.