Friday, June 19, 2015

Almost Halved

I am almost halfway done with the outlining now.  I think it's still looking like a subway map.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Back To Trees

There's another set of trees done.  I didn't work on the bottom border as much because I only got the color of NPI I needed a couple of days before the photo was taken.

Pretty Patterns

The blank spaces to be filled with beads are leaving pretty patterns on the piece.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


We had seen this stamp and map in a different frame.  The frame wasn't appealing to us, but MolDeco agreed to change it out to this one.  I like it sooo much better!

One Leaf, Two Leaf

Second leaf is done.  After experimenting, I think I like my motif way of doing things better.

Beginning To Bloom

The first rose is beginning to peek out now.

Monday, June 15, 2015


I now have truly fancy salt and pepper grinders, courtesy of Purcari.