Sunday, June 21, 2015

British Breakfast

Back in April I had to go to London to get a tooth taken care of.  I arrived on Monday morning after a very early flight from Chisinau.  Once there and with my bag stowed at the hotel, I went to find some real breakfast - Austrian doesn't do a real breakfast on its flights anymore.  So I ducked into a coffee shop and found a baguette sandwich and cut up mangoes.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Friday, June 19, 2015

One Step Closer

I now have a warp!  All I have to do now is find time to put it on my loom.  Time is still not here for me.  I've had to keep upping the time I'm working on Tuscany plus I'm still working part time plus all these social obligations plus, when I do get time at home .... the husband is here and wants attention.  I have such first world problems!

Almost Halved

I am almost halfway done with the outlining now.  I think it's still looking like a subway map.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Back To Trees

There's another set of trees done.  I didn't work on the bottom border as much because I only got the color of NPI I needed a couple of days before the photo was taken.

Pretty Patterns

The blank spaces to be filled with beads are leaving pretty patterns on the piece.