Sunday, August 09, 2015

Watch Me

Andreas won this watch for me at the silent auction part of the Bagels and Jam 5k.  It was child sized, so he added a couple of inches to the back so I can wear it.

Barrels, Baskets, And Safety

More collection brandy and some little barrels that are scattered about.  They have, surprisingly, a modern first aid kit, too.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

It's Done On Time

Very close to the deadline, but I have finished my Tuscany Town Mandala.  Now to take it to MolDeco on Monday so they can work their magic.  The last couple of months finishing this have been stressful!

Very Touched And Grateful

This piece was specially made and given to me by the people of MolDeco.  They found a quote I will cherish forever and framed it up with a beautiful piece of tatting, and mat in my favorite color, and a frame that ties it all together in a great statement.  I was overwhelmed when I received this, and I still am.  Over the past couple of years they have become great friends who bring my work to life.
I am going to miss going to the shop nearly every week, talking with everyone, and seeing all that they have made fantabulous.  It is one of the harder things about leaving the country.  All I can say is thank you, and I hope to live up to the quote in other places.
Thank you all very very much.

Industrial Brandy Making

 These huge vats are leftover from the soviet era and still in use.  There are also newer components.  Brandy making on a large scale requires industrial controls - even if it also requires, here, handwritten labels.



Friday, August 07, 2015

Getting My Blue On

There's a lot of blue going on here at the moment, but soon I will add some orange.  Three leaves done and now working on the base of the second flower!

More Shopping

I took someone to Gemeni so she could see the stitch stuff.  Of course, I had to buy some for myself!