Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fantasy Prints

MolDeco did its usual great job on these two prints.  I especially like the dragon.

Adding In Curls

I have a little bit more done on this.  It's been a purse project lately, something I can pull out and put a few stitches into.  I hope to have it done maybe next month?


This is part of the view from EtCetera's back porch.  It's a lovely place about three miles from Purcari and produces its own fine wines.  We went there with the Larsons on a beautiful July afternoon and had a lovely tour and meal.  Our first stop was the back porch, where we sipped wine and had a nice olive and cheese plate.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Down On The Farm

This is a painting of my boss's grandmother's barn.  It was done by someone local to the area and given to Dawn as a gift.  MolDeco framed it in the way she wanted, doing a great job.  It now hangs in her office.

Tubing Along

It looks like I am going to have a lot of nice, easy filling in stitching to do when we leave in less than three weeks.

Bottles And Bottles

The top photo is the gate and entrance to the collection of first year bottles.  Pretty!  The second photo is of the far end of the tasting room, where they have ones of all the different kinds of brandy and bottles over the years.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Crewel and Unusual

My crewel work crazy quilting block is all framed up and looks great!