Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Not Sure Where This Has Gone...

This is the progress I made on the sunflowers piece before packing.  After arriving today, I cannot find it in my suitcase, even though I believe I packed it.  I hope I find it soon.  It could even been in my household shipment, which I won't see until I get to Luanda and well after that...

Odessa One Last Time

Over the week of July 4th we went to Odessa one last time, this time with Kerry's parents.  The first place we ate at was Gyoza.  It was still very good, but raspberry season instead of strawberry.  I even had sushi I liked - made with fruit instead of fish.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Tiny Bits Of Argentina

The largest of these prints is three inches across.  We got them in Buenos Aires on our way out of Uruguay at an open air market.  They're very detailed and beautiful.  MolDeco made them even more so.

Little Hills

Just a few more lines of Mouton Rouge done.  I think it'll be cute when it's done, but right now it looks like a small blob of little hills.

Snow Stormed

Yay, Snowfall is done!  One more to cross off the list and make look beautiful.

Smokehouse Is Open

These photos were taken of the official opening pour of Smokehouse, an American barbecue joint in Moldova.  They opened at the end of June  From left to right, the people are David Smith, Matt Stahlman, US Ambassador James Pettit, and Vlad Shuleanski.  Three of the four are the owners; they worked very hard over the period of a year to open it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mom's New Spoon

Andreas insisted we add to Mom's spoon collection with this framed antique silver spoon framed by MolDeco.  I hope she likes it.