Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Rules Done

My rules are done!  It really didn't take as much time as I thought.  Now I have a framing conundrum.

Back To Smokehouse

We got back from Odessa and went immediately to Smokehouse for dinner.  Andreas and I split nachos as he drank an Arnold Palmer and I had a margarita.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Spotty Heart

This piece looks like it's got some kind of spot disease at the moment.  I promise it will look better soon!

Six Medallions

I am now up to six of nine medallions across.  Time to start moving this along more.

Day and Night

Andreas bought this oil painting in Kosovo five years ago.  MolDeco came up with the perfect framing solution.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Coopers Burgers

Okay, so the menu was completely in Ukrainian, but the wait staff spoke English and the burgers were divine - and huge.  On top of that, Cooper's in Odessa gets the award for best doggie bag ever.

One Row At A Time Sweet Mutton

The sheep still looks like the top of a fluffy cloud, but it has more of the bumps gone.