Saturday, January 23, 2016

Crazy January Start #13 - Korsun Icon Of The Virgin

I found this piece while still in Moldova and bought it to make for my mother.  Now it's started, it's time to get it done.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Crazy January Start #12 - Diamond Motif

This seems to be an antique motif.  It's assissi work, and I hope it turns out well.

Working The Middle

The inside of the quatrefoil is beginning  to take shape.  There are now green shapes in there.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Crazy January Start #11 - Piccallilli

I completely changed up the thread color.  It was one I thought would look good and that I had.  I'll be adding it to me rotation soon so it can be done quickly.

Working On The Edge

Another couple of lengths of floss.  Eventually some green will show up in this... and maybe next time I'll even start one of the letters!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Crazy January Start #10 - Shades of Iris

Yes, number nine is missing.  It wasn't photographed for some reason last week and will appear later.  In the meantime, here's ten.  It's my first foray into huck weaving, and I think it looks pretty good so far.  It took me about four starts before I did it right, though.  Now that I understand both the cloth and chart, I expect to be able to go a bit faster when I work on it.

Finishing Fringe

The fringe from the dragon's mouth is complete now.  I'm not  sure how I feel about it.  Going to have to wait for more dragon to appear before making a decision.