Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Little Bird

Getting started on a new sampler.  Begins with a bird.

Where Was I?

Here's a hint as to where I was for the past few days.  I will have normal internet tomorrow afternoon!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Off On Adventure

I am mainly away from my computer through Friday, so don't expect to hear from me until then!

See The Cottage?

This is something I started a while back and pulled out for the plane trip.  Got a little more done.  See the cottage yet?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Most Of The Canopy

Looking at the chart, I'm almost done with this.  Go me!

Julep Unboxing

 Julep is primarily a nail polish company, but they have a monthly make up collection box, too.  I've gotten tired of ipsy showing up one out of four months because of random ORM-D labels.  So I tried Julep.  So far, I like what I am seeing.

Still On The Left

I'm back at the point where what I do looks almost invisible.  The background area on the left grew a bit more, but that's it.