Monday, August 01, 2016

So Tired Of Browns

The major swathes of brown are wearing on me again.  Looks like it's time to change the area I'm working on.  I did get another branch started on the left.

Minor Groaning

I thought I'd be done with this fourth band by now.  On the other hand, there's a small peek of band five stitched.

The Zebras Sweeping Down The Plain

It actually wasn't very windy on this plain, but it sure was dry and animal-full.  These landscapes (especially the third photo, which reminds me of the Scottish seaside) give an idea of the wide expanses of the park.

Night Visitors

These are all photos taken between the main lodge and our bungalow in the early evening.  You could pretty much go on safari around the pool.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Almost Three Of Four

I am so close to getting the quatrefoil done.  It feels like I should push through.

Plainly Elephants

These elephants were on the edge of the Etosha salt pan.  The plain seemed  to go on forever.

Elephant Walk

Toward the end of the last day, we got to see the elephant walk.