Sunday, August 07, 2016

Little Bits Of Progress

It's interesting seeing how all the colors swirl into a whole on this.  Sometimes it's hard to see the actual progress until I post the photo and actually -look- at it.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

The Replacements

My malachite squares were damaged in the move last winter, so I finally got some replacements.  Same size, but I don't think the malachite's quite as pretty in these.

Round And Round We Go

I think this looks pretty good, and I'm already almost done.  One more crazy January start about to become a finish!

Friday, August 05, 2016

Densest Done

I'm now done with this being my daily piece, but before I dropped it as that, I got the densest part of the piece done.  There isn't all that much  to go, and I'll get it done soon.

Andreas' New Hat

Most places we go, Andreas gets a new hat for one reason or another.  This is his new Etosha one.  It allowed him to get sunshielded and to take photos at the same time.  He likes the snaps on the side brims.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Downward Vines

One more pair of Namibian earrings.  I like the bright colors and the dangling design.

Half The Knots

Looks like half the knots are done and the other half are on their way.