Friday, September 02, 2016

Decided To Do Something Different

I decided to do something different when I pulled my latest started project out of the drawer.  It's a Tanja Berlin piece called Tree Motif.  Kind of a bit of goldwork and silk work.  I'm liking the change.

Spot The Stork

Another ship by the beach.  At least one bird has made some good out of this ship.  These ships aren't even making corals or fish sanctuaries.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Fourth Done

Yay, I am finally done with the fourth row, except for straight stitches.  I think this is an accomplishment.


These ships were left to litter a perfectly pretty cliffside beach.  Makes the beach useless for swimming and such, and who knows what chemicals are leaching out into the water?


The quatrefoil is done.  I've got a lot of stitching done in the past week and feel good that this is moving along well.

Travel Ad?

Andreas took this marvelous photo from our boat.  It reminds me of the old 1930's travel ads.  This old trawler sits less than 200 yards from the shoreline and rusts away.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Angolan Metaphors

Angola is a land of wasted opportunity.  It's one of those places where you can see potential all around you, yet no one willing to step up and work to make things better.  These ships at shipwreck beach were towed here to finish rusting away. Many of them are rusted through.  I don't know of a better metaphor for Angola than these forlorn icons.