Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Looks So Tropical

These photos weren't taken just after dawn.  It was just after nine in the morning as we floated past wrecks in the harbor.  The haze hangs over Luanda for months.  It's humid, but at least not too hot.  Despite all the humidity from the cloud cover, it hasn't rained here since April.  Might be a couple more months until it does.  So this city only four degrees off the equator sits in a gray fog for more than half the year.  The other half of the year it might still be gray from rain clouds or the sun might be brilliant and blinding.  Every day it varies.  Except now, when it's been gray for months.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Love The Colors

Much as the lack of overlap on the chart pages frustrates me sometimes, I love the colors on this.  They're what keep me going with it.

Luanda Harbor

Point and shoot photo time.  These were all taken from the boat as we left the moorings.  Luanda harbor is an enclosed bay about a mile across.  It's tiny.  And the buildings ring the shore like broken teeth.

Monday, September 05, 2016


Andreas' outlet here is online shopping.  He found this and thought I should have it, so I now have a new make up pouch.  It feels nice and will hold a bit!

Most Of The Alphabet

Almost all of the alphabet is done and I am approaching the halfway point.  As of today this is my daily project, so expect a lot of progress soon.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

New Necklaces!

The middle necklace is the one I saw on Etsy and liked.  The other two are ones that Andreas found for me and surprised me with.  Now to wear them!

Saturday, September 03, 2016


We bought these pretty panels from Shibori a couple of weeks ago and they came.  I'll be using then to create curtains - one of which is for the (creepy) unfrosted glass bathroom door.