Wednesday, September 21, 2016

One Ship Up Close

This is a trawler left to rot.  The ship's name is appropriate.  These photos give you an idea about how these thing just sit and rust and are completely uncared for.

Teaching Temari

I will be teaching this S 10 kiku design to embassy peeps in November.  This is the sample temari.  I like the unusual colors.

Beautiful Cliffs

These are some of the gorgeous cliffs marred by the ship debris at the bottom.  I guess it doesn't make much difference from the road at the top, but it's an eyesore to boaters... and tourists, if Angola had any.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Four Square

I've completed the four major motifs for this piece.  Now to fill in the corners and complete it.


All of these ships are abandoned on purpose against these beautiful cliffs.  They have been sitting here for years, against the shore, rusting away.  It's one of the saddest sights I've ever seen.  So much potential just allowed to waste away.  It's what I hate about Angola.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ugh, More Brown

More brown, but at least it's getting closer to the dge with the other side.


These are the whale photos Andreas took for me on the point and shoot.  Not much there.  He's got better ones on his camera if he processes them...