Sunday, October 30, 2016

Around The Circle

These are the buildings around the circle with the St. Etienne.  They include city hall (St. Etienne), the court, and the old women's abbey, which is in ruins but being rebuilt.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bits Of Branches

Well, I have more bits of branches done.  Another blossom is finished, too.  Just catching up on all these shades of brown.  Will be happy to get off of background soon.

More Stained Glass

These are all windows on the sides of St. Etienne.  They look much older than they are.

Third In A Week Done

This is the third of the three finishes I made last week.  It's going to be made into an ornament.  I think it'll look good.

Down The Nave

 THese photos show the light down the main aisle of the church.  Plus some buttresses and a clock!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Second Tier

I am about half way across the second tier of stuff, with the whole first tier done.  This is coming along nicely, I think.  I've got one stitchalong done; it's time to get the second done.

I Don't Trust The Cherubim

This is the choir stall of the abbey St. Etienne in Caen.  The cherubs look downright evil. some of  them!  I don't think I'd trust myself sitting by them for a long, boring mass.