Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Mandatory Hibachi In The USA

On every visit to the US, we go to a hibachi place.  This time, it was in Orlando.  The chef was Filipino, and we had fun.  The food was great, too, and I got to eat tempura!

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Tisket, A Tasket

The fruit and veg people who come to the embassy have been making basket.  I bought this roomy picnic basket two weeks ago.

Five Points

It's up to five points now.  Looking better, too.  I was worried for a bit.

Bacon Breakfast

I had breakfast with Mom a few times while in Florida.  Breakfast at the Fort Lauderdale Hilton Resort was not really available, and their restaurants were rather lame, so we went next door to have breakfast.  It was great!  This one was an omelette and a side of bacon.  Have to have bacon in the States.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Copper Barrette

A late barrette showed up.  This one's copper.

All Basketed

I finished this back when I was in Florida, but took the photo on my phone, so it never got posted.  I hope my mom likes it, as it went home with her.

Outdoor Mexican

One night in Fort Lauderdale, we had dinner at a taco place facing the water.  Got to sit outdoors and enjoy the sunset.  Unfortunately, the food was no where near as good as the view.