Saturday, January 21, 2017

Advent Opened

All these goodies to use!  My only complaint is that she mails everything so late in November.

The Royal Apartments

Unfortunately not furnished, the royal apartments are surprisingly small. The walls and ceilings have nice detail, though.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Crazy January #5 - Tangello

The center's well started now.

Getting Foxy

I have started to see a fox emerge.

Cemetery By The House

These are the last photos from our drive.  The tents are flower stalls selling mostly bedraggled or plastic flowers.  The cemetery wall keeps in the bodies of the formerly most influential people in Angola.  When there's a funeral here, there is a major traffic jam.  For all the ggovernment big wigs buried here, it's not well kept up, and it's not safe to walk in due to crime.

Just Alike

The windows are almost identical, but not quite. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Crazy January #4 - Cupa

A start and a finish in the same day.  Yay!  I think it even came out pretty well.