Monday, January 30, 2017

A Globe!

This was December's Darby Smart.  It's a color your own globe.  I love it!  Will probably do more than the three colors given, but I need to decide on a theme.

Christmas Maze And Train

The Edinburgh Christmas Market has a children's game area.  It includes this lit up maze and a train.  Looks pretty at night, for sure.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Two Thirds And No More

Right at two-thirds done.  I feel like I am on the back stretch now.

Fireside Floss Sale

I scored these pretty flosses from Fireside's e-sale last month.  

Swings In The Sky

The swings went high into the sky and sometimes stopped.  I would not want to be in one of them!  It was pretty from a distance, though.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lots Of Dark

I've put a few stitches into the glass, but a lot more into the bottle where you can't see them.

House Of Embroidery Thread

House of Embroidery had a promotion, and I bought all these flosses.  They came the other day, and now I get to figure out how to use them.