Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Poem In Portuguese

This is supposedly an inspirational poem in Portuguese about Angola written my Agostinho Neto's wife.  I didn't find it that way, but whatever.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Building A Wall

So much progress!  I'm now on the fifth part.  This time I'm building walls.  It'll take a little while.

Crazy January #14 - Dragons Entwined

I bought everything for this last summer, and now I'm finally starting it.

To The Pergola

For some reason, this sculpture strikes me as kind of creepy.  Anyway, I do like how they incorporated the flagpole.  The pergola tells the "story" of Angola.

Necklace From Mom

Mom sent me this beautiful necklace. I've been wearing it often.  Thanks, Mom!

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Crazy January #13 - IndigoBird

Here's my thirteenth start of the year.  I am limiting January to 15 this year, as I have plenty to do!  This is a simple surface embroidery piece to relax into.

Exchange From Mary

Mary sent this to me all the way from France!  Isn't it pretty?