Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Blinging Out

This is this month's CyberStitchers little extra.  I think I hit my goal of doing something different.

Edge And Column

Still on the columns and edges.  I should start the new gargoyles soon.

Zulilly Find

Andreas found this on zulilly.  I'm going to have to find time to do it at some point soon.

At The Cafe

We had a nice lunch at the cafe on the other side of the street from our apartment on our last full day in Vienna.  We miss Vienna.  At least next year it'll be a lot easier to visit.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Working Through Halfway

I've got the motif done for the central rectangle.  The background, though, is a lot of stitching!

I Made It

Because I am in a clean it out, finish it off phase of pre-pack out, I made this necklace from one of my For The Makers boxes.  I'm sad they're out of business.  Necklace wasn't too hard and it came out pretty cool.

Centimeter Breakfast

Andreas decided to try breakfast at Centimeter too, so we made the whole round of meals.  Had a really good conversation with the waitress, and I wish we could get breakfast like this in Angola...