Saturday, April 29, 2017

Leafy Bag

 I paid for this bag.  It's silk with metal work.  They say it's a leaf, but it looks a lot like a peacock feather to me.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Inside Victoria Station

This is  the ticket counter area at Victoria Station.  Impressive, no?  Love the arches and the stained glass.

Daily For A Bit

This is my daily project for a little bit.  Making progress on the edges, and -will- get to the middle.

Looking Wavy

My cachemire is looking pretty good, I think.  It's kind of fun to work on, too.

Green Bag

I was given this little bag when I bought some stuff from a vendor at the earth day fair at the Mumbai Consulate.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Little Bits Of Structure

I have a bit more structure done.  Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

Adding Tulips

Yay, I'm almost ready to fill in the tubes!  Just a few more flowers to go.