Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Getting Crepe-y

Andreas bought me a crepe pan!  It arrived while I was in India, so I Have yet to use it.  Maybe Friday, since I'm taking the day off.

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Half Tubed

Two tubes of four filled in and two more to go.  I like how it looks so far.

May Started

May officially started on the first full day I was back from India.  And I dutifully put needle to thread.  I was so happy it was a holiday here!

Metalwork Fabrics

Metalworked fabric (by machine).  It looked so pretty I couldn't resist.

Monday, May 08, 2017

No Ewe Yet

Brought this to start in India.  Accomplished that, and it's in my rotation.  Should be a quick finish.

Table Runners

Two table runners for the dining room.  They're spiffy looking!

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Rain In Luanda

This was a mild cloudburst in Luanda.  Stopped traffic and flooded everything.