Thursday, October 26, 2017

Another Glossybox

I like Glossybox.  Their presentation is beautiful and their supplies full sized.  This one even had a couple of products I already use.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Still First Roofing

I still have bits and pieces of the first roof to do, but the odds and ends of excess thread are ending up on the second one.

Cow Coozie?

More of what happens when I let Andreas go to Buc-ee's alone ... a cow fur can coozie.  I have no idea what the Kosovars are going to think of us.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

All Cottaged Up

My cottage is done, and since this photo was taken, it's been put in its magnet case.  One more thing completed!

Cow Fur Flask

This is what happens when I let Andreas go alone to Buc-ee's.  I end up with a cow fur alcohol flask.  It will go in my cow fur purse to the Marine Ball with me in a couple of weeks.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Purse Project

I've gotten a bit more of this done since it's become a purse project.

Mostly Chemistry

This is the stash I bought at Cabbage Rose.  They had chemistry prints!  I have no idea what I am going to do with them, but it will be something.