Sunday, February 04, 2018

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Off Colors

This is very washed out and too yellow, but it does show my progress on the mandala.  

Tea Time

More tea for me.

Christian Old Town Sarajevo

The old town of Sarajevo also has a Christian/Western part.  The buildings are newer - nineteenth century - and full of ornamentation.  There are also markings on the ground.  See the photo of the red splashes?  That is where a mortar fell.  The number of red spots is the number of people who died because of it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Winter Snowflakes Done

I'm done with the chapter stitchalong.  Now to make it into a small ornament.

Stitchy Box Came

Some of my favorite colors in this box.

Baby Buttons

I have little buttons and the inside of the large flower.  It's now in my rotation, so it's time to get things done.