Saturday, February 10, 2018

Second Chimney

The second chimney is added and now I have bits of the third part, too.  

More than Three Quarters

I've got my three-quarters point done.  Time to finish this puppy.

A New Item Collector

I made this leather dish for putting small things in.  First time I've used rivets!

The Orthodox Church

 The Orthodox church allowed us to take photos, so Andreas did.  It was also pretty much rebuilt, just like the Catholic one, after the war.

Friday, February 09, 2018

Inside Done

All I have to do is three borders now, w00t!

Bracelet In Brass

Another For the Makers project done!  One bracelet complete.


This is a memorial to the first company of militia to form to protect Sarajevo in 1991.  Before the end of the year, most of them were dead.  Many of the rest died later in the war.