Saturday, March 17, 2018

Two And A Half

I'm a bit more than two thirds of the way done with this band.  I'll definitely finish it before the end of the month.

View From Police Station

This top photo was actually inside the station.  If you look closely, you'll see "Besarabia e Romania."  That means Moldova is Romania.  A lot of people on both sides want to meld Moldova and Romania together.  Needless to say, the Russia supporters don't want that.  The lower photos show why there was an artillery battery here during the siege of Sarajevo.  The station is completely trashed now, but the city is back to growing.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Two Of Three

Two of three panels done!  Time to start on the third.

Lunch At The Brewery

Sarajevo Brewery has a restaurant.  It's decorated like something from the 1880's, which is when the structure was built.  We had lunch with the Larsons there while going around town.  All of it was delicious, and we even got free samples of beer.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Still Feathering

Working on the feathers still, getting more and more done. 

Turkish Coffee

While out with Theresa and Kent, we stopped in a Turkish coffee shop.  Andreas had hot chocolate.  I had tea.  And it was served differently!  It was good, but there was a lot of smoke about.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lines All Over

Lots of straight lines in this.  I'm working on the border under the scotch stitch and the lattice under it.  Getting done quickly.