Monday, July 09, 2018

Buttering The Fly

Most of the butterfly is done along with a few bits of other things from this round.  Still deciding the color for the butterfly spots.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

New Games Again

Yes, it's just Fluxx.  But Dr. Who!  We're also heard a lot of good things about Kingdomino too.

Third Done Of Four

I really do like this color combination, even if I am tired of stitching the same motif over and over again...

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Working On Confetti

Lots of little stitched areas in the bottom right along with filling in some of the middle green.

Fiberlicious Stash

Two deliveries of subscription stash!  I'm already using the pink one on Another Year Creeps By.

Halfway There

 I am now halfway done with the whole piece.  Getting to completion of this month's slowly though. 

Fab Fit Fun Summer Extra - Pinterest Edition

Time to try some of these Pinterest faves ... now to get to the time to do so.