Sunday, September 23, 2018

Views Of The Archaeology Building

The archaeology museum was just across from our boat hotel.  It's got an imposing front.  The back, not so much.  The bottom two photos include our boat hotel in the photo.  Kind of neat, kind of kitschy, but it was fun.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Skopje At Night

Earlier this month we spent at weekend in Skopje.  It's definitely more economically developed than Pristina, and larger, but it's very shallow.  All the pretty outdoor instagram shots, but no real substance.  This is one of the bridges over the river at night.  Pretty, yes.

Rooftops Appear

This is a lot of stitching, since it's just about full coverage.  On the other hand, I'm beginning to get parts of the main design done.  Yay!

More Yarn

The upper yarn I bought when I bought the grinda yarn.  I'll use it for a scarf.  The lower Andreas got in an adabox.  Not sure what he was supposed to do with it.  It's now at the women's prison in Lipljan.  I'm sure they'll make something wonderful with it.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


I have mountains, and, on the left, they are almost to the bottom of them.  Yay, go me! It's getting done!

Two Thirds

Two thirds of the middle square filling in brown are done.  I hope to have this done soon.

Yarn For Grinda

I am doing the Grinda crochet-a-long from Lilibjorn.  This is the kind of yarn she recommends for it.  I decided to do the lower colorway rather than the upper, as the upper looks too juvenile to me.