Tuesday, October 23, 2018

New Necklace

I made this with materials I bought in Prague.  Looks pretty good!

Diaspora Returns

A Swiss license plate we saw this summer here in Pristina.  The diaspora return wealthy.  I didn't even know you could get a custom Swiss license plate...

Monday, October 22, 2018


Looks like one of the things I'm going to get done first is the flag.  It's getting there, as the spinner has been kind to it.


While transiting back from Prague, we stopped in the Frankfurt duty free shop.  We bought some liquor for a friend and I found this cute little crochet hook case full of mentos.

Mozaik Dinner

Mozaik is a tiny restaurant in Pristina's center.  It's got great food.  Like a lot of local food restaurants, service is family style.  Sorry about no photos of the meat.  It got eaten quickly.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Blanket For Mariana

I finally finished the blanket for Mariana, Mel and James' baby girl, a month ago.  They just received it yesterday.  Yay for getting things done!

To The Bottom

This is SO close to being done! The dragon's tail is the bottom of the piece.  I think it looks pretty awesome.