Thursday, January 10, 2019

Under The Sea Fabrics

Some ornament cuts for using this year. Under the Sea fabrics had a sale and I took advantage.

The Gingerbread Man

Andreas is now calling this piece the gingerbread man because it has two arms, two legs, and a head. According to him.

All In A Line

This apron is obviously Serbian from the elaborate cross stitch design. You find similar design in Ukrainian and Romanian dress. The second photo shows the whole line of dress.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Sneek A Bet

This is a stitchalong I am SO FAR behind on. But I like the new material I'm working on, and I think I've made some progress. That's more than nothing.

Ottoman Type Clothing

Wedding clothing worn by the Turkish community. You can still see this kind of clothing in shop windows for special events.

Veshje Kombetare

In December I visited this NGO in Dragash. I will be seeing them again. They work with women injured in the war and provide a way for them to "earn" their pensions, so the families don't feel helpless. This NGO specializes in textile projects. They have a lot of beautiful stuff.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Scent of Summer Restart

Dug this up to work on during the holidays. I will add it to the rotation soon.