Thursday, January 17, 2019

TREPCA Mineral Museum

I went to the National Museum of Mining and Minerals outside of Mitrovica in November. It was deserted except for the curator, and it shouldn't be! It's a lovely little museum in a very pretty setting just inside the main gate to the TREPCA mine.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Almost Across

Making a bit more progress on Sneek, which is most of the way across now.

Gingerbread Man With Weapon

Now that I'm working on the left side of the mandala, it looks like the gingerbread man is armed and dangerous.

Origami Crane

Andreas' parents gave me a crane for Christmas - a beautiful origami one. It'll go on our "tree" next year, as we will be stuck here in Kosovo next Christmas.

Mundasia - Modern Traditional Craft

Mundasia (which means Opportunity in Albanian) is an NGO that funnels pensions to women who were assaulted during the war. They do this by providing 'jobs' for the women which include traditional craft. All of these photos are of their work. They do weaving, beading, sewing, crochet, and knitting. This NGO is based in Mitrovica and includes women of all ethnicities.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

One House Done

Finally, the first house is done! I feel like I'm beginning to make progress. It also could be that the spinner loves this piece and brings it up often.

One More Ribbon

One more ribbon done as I go across the edge. Now it's time to work on another set of three bells.