Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Corner Started

Corner started, that must mean progress! And I get to use new colors, too!

Mainz Lunch

We decided to explore Mainz on our last weekend in Germany last spring. We stopped at a stube off the main drag where there was an open air market. My schnitzel was good and Andreas always loves a wurst.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Engraved Scissors

Andreas gave me engraved kiddie Fiskars for Christmas! He thought I had too many regular kiddie scissors to warrant another classroom set, so he got these. They're surprisingly sharp.

Side Flowers

I am slowly getting done with this. The random number generator hasn't been as kind to this as it once was. At least it's progressing.

German Steak On A Stone

I cannot find the name of this restaurant, but it's outside Frankfurt. It had a wonderful steak on a stone, and we were outside enjoying the weather in late May. The place was recommended by one of Andreas' class instructors. Food was excellent and service spectacular.

Four Boxes

The fourth box of the elders is almost done, meaning the third square is almost done. I do love  the puns.

Monday, February 11, 2019

One And A Half

One and a half trees done and it's looking like a sea of green. Maybe one day there will be other colors.