Monday, February 18, 2019

Gardening In Winter

Still working on my garden sampler. It goes quickly because of so many long stitches. The bottom half seems denser, though, so it takes a bit longer.

Waiting For Westminster

When Andreas was with me in London last year, we got the London Pass. It was worth it. While we did have to stay in lines like this one, we didn't have to pay to get in - even if they didn't allow cameras. This line was for Westminster Cathedral.

Valentine Box

This is the Valentine countdown box from Stitchy Box. I'm currently on day seven.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Wing And Tail

Now that I have all the miscounting taken care of, things are looking better! I have the tail almost done ad there's a wing. Looks like an airplane.

Leaf's Done

I love the look of that big leaf. It's my faforite part so far. Looks like I am making some progress!

Some Lines

Some more lines done. I like the way the grape clusters look.

One Skein

Stitchy Box sent me a pretty skein of Dinky Dyes floss for being a loyal customer.