Monday, March 04, 2019

On To The Right

Starting to edge toward the right now. Got the leaves done on the central bough and working on a small flower.

World War One Naval Memorial

Greenwich houses the British Naval Museum. Inside is this alcove devoted to World War I. It's beautiful.

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Third Roof Coming

Third roof is there, along with bits of house. The second house, though, only is half done.


Yay, the center motif is done! Things are definitely getting done.

Diamond Ornament

I now have a completed ornament. This one is a keeper. I'm trying to finish something every week.

Sunday Pub Dnner

We had lunch at a pub in Greenwich. Since it was Sunday, there were roast choices. Both were very good and I got my good cider, too.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Working On The Fourth

The fourth square is getting some more work. I still have the triangles at the bottom to do, too.